Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Vinicius's Autobiography

I was born on July 30, 1978 in a city named Lorena. That is a small city located in the country of Brazil, in the state of Sao Paulo.

When I was 5 years old, I began to study in the same school where my mother worked as a teacher. At that time, my favorite subject in the school was art. Although my work wasn’t appreciated by anybody, I liked to create something different and I wanted to be a sculptor when I grew up.
At 12 years old, I changed my mind about to be a sculptor when I got my first science class. I was amazed to learn about this new and interesting world. I could find many answers for my own questions by the study of science. Those classes were helpful to me to decide my future career.

When I was 20 years old, I was enrolled in one of the best colleges in Brazil. The course that I chose was Chemical Engineering. I spent 7 years of my life studying in this college to get my bachelor’s degree. During the second year of this course, I met Daliana, my wife.

After 8 years of dating, we decided to get married. The problem was: she was living in the United States and I was living in Brazil. The solution that we found was Daliana was to get a vacation from her job for a month. She flew to Brazil, and we got married in December, 2006. We had a small civil ceremony in my parent’s house. My parents have a small chapel and we decided to get married there. We invited our families and some close friends for the ceremony.

After some weeks I moved to the United States, where my wife has been living for 6 years, and I have been here for just a year and half. Here, I’m enrolled in ESOL and a GED classes, trying to improve my knowledge and proficiency in English.

My wish is begin my graduate study as soon as possible. I applied for some colleges and I am waiting for the feedback.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

My Life in the United States

Let me tell you how my life in the United States is. My life here is full of new experiences. Since I arrived in Richmond-Va, I have been living new challenges, adventures, good moments, and others things that are not as good. Normally, I spend my day in school or at home. During some weekends or holidays, I like to travel with my wife or friends around the East cost of the United States. I also love the opportunity to learn another language and make new friends.

First of all, actually I am studying at ACDC. There, I have been studying for 1 year and half. I am enrolled in ESOL and GED classes, trying to increase my proficiency in English and my knowledge as well. After school, I like to hang out in my house, where I spend my time reading a book, or watching a movie. Second, there are many amazing places to travel in this country. I love to travel in Virginia and around the East coast. I have been traveling to some cities in Virginia, and on the East cost since I arrived in the United States. The cities that I visited and liked the most were: Washington DC, Niagara Falls, Rochester, Miami, Williamsburg, and Natural Bridge. Normally, I like to travel by car because I have the opportunity to see some different cities around the road. Finally, but not least important, the chance that I have had to learn another language is unique. Although I am still having some problems with my English, today I can solve my problems by myself and I also can express my ideas in English. After the moment that I began to express my thoughts in English, I could establish some friendship. Although I just have few friends in the United States, those few people are important in my life.

In conclusion, my life in the United States is full of new experiences. If I am in the school or in my house, I try to maximize my learning experiences as much as I can. This way, I can express my thoughts or solve my problems when I am traveling or making new friends. I have had a good time living in Richmond, VA, USA, and I believe that the future will be better.